Roswaal decides that it is time to select a Class Rep and Vice Rep. Seeing that Ainz, Aqua, and Emilia have elected themselves as candidates, he draws their names and Emilia wins the position of Class Rep. Aqua drops out and Ainz wins the Vice Rep position. Albedo and Shalltear elect themselves as second Vice Rep candidates and Albedo wins the position. In addition to these selections, several classmates have been grouped together into different committees: Animal Care - Subaru, Aura, and Aqua; Disciplinary - Tanya, Demiurge, and Kazuma; Lunch - Ram, Visha; Library - Mare and Beatrice; Gym - Cocytus, Darkness, Weiss, Koenig, and Neumann - Nurse: Rem, and Shalltear - Intercom: Megumin and Grantz...